September 2, 2012

Wooden Shelf Re-Do

We rent an old farm house. And I mean OLD! So old in fact that we do not have central air conditioning and the electrical wires can't handle even a window unit. Needless to say, we got wise to the heat and moved our mattress down to the first floor for the summer. Since summer is nearly over I decided to move our mattress back upstairs. I feel like an adult again!

My Sad Headboard Without a Mattress or Shelf
Over the summer I found this neat wooden shelf at a garage sale and thought it would be the perfect fit for my bedroom if I painted it. All I needed for this project was a shelf, fine sandpaper, a clean cloth, and spray paint for wood.

Before: Shelf

Step 1: Lightly Sand Shelf

Step 2: Wipe Dust from Shelf

Step 3: Spray Shelf Evenly

Step 4: Once Dry, Hang Shelf

Step 5: Decorate as Desired
I love how it turned out but we had a lot of difficulty hanging it. Do you have any good hanging tips?

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