
June 10, 2013

Thrifty- Nifty

Marissa recently posted about her amazing thrifted finds, but in true Krista fashion I am just now, two weeks later, posting mine. #standard

When I thrift I don't focus on the quantity of clothing I get, but rather the quality and reality of if I will ever wear the piece. On this particular trip two pieces of clothing made the cut; a dress and a skirt.

The dress is originally from Target. As you can see in the first picture there is a slight "train" on the back, which I typically hate. I always feel I'm wearing a curtain when my skirt has various heights. However, I gave it a try and the Kindergarten/1st-ie  fashonistas in my class APPROVED! The second picture displays the two layers of the dress, one of which is sheer.

The second article of clothing was a navy and nude stripped pencil skirt. It has just enough spandex that it hugs the body. Without buying another piece of clothing I didn't have a ton to go with it. Here is what I was able to put together. I am not totally satisfied, but I wasn't horrified either. #itsadraw