
June 26, 2013

A Few of My Favorites

I recently found this little tea cup and saucer at a tag sale. I was so excited to find another treasure for my collection. I have loved violets since childhood and somewhere along the way I started a collection of tea cups with violets on them. Mark gave this bud vase to me as a gift. I use it every summer, and love it.

The floral arrangement also is full of some of my favorites. We have recently had very heavy rain in our area and many of our plants were beaten down. The Madonna lilies are in full bloom right now so they are especially heavy and susceptible to the weight of the rain. The lavender was laying very close to the ground too, so I added a few to this vase. The lilies are very fragrant and that perfume mixed with the lavender scent is DELICIOUS!

The Madonna lilies are special to me because they are from bulbs that my paternal grandpa had. He was a very masculine man and very "old school". As a young child he would allow me to help him water his flowers. Most adults were not allowed into that part of his world. These Madonna lilies are from those days of my childhood. I treasure those memories.

Each time I pass by this bouquet today I will have a lovely fragrance treat.

1 comment:

  1. That's a really neat story Mom. I didn't know those lillies were from your grandpa.

    Poppin' tags!
