
January 21, 2013

Blogs & Etsy Shops I Heart

Every so often when I peruse my Google Reader and Etsy Favorites I always love what these ladies have to share.

Kate at The Small Things Blog (clearly a blog) is an amazing stylist that I'm sure any of you on Pinterest have already seen. I love that she has the same length and thickness of hair that I have and her instructions are EASY TO FOLLOW!

Whitney at Elm Street Life (blog) and Brighter Day (Etsy) is a breath of fresh air that I also came across on pinterest. I love seeing the new crafts she posts about and greatly admire her personal business. Did I mention that on top of it all she's also a new mom? Amazing lady.

Anna at DesiringJoy (Etsy) makes wonderful products and I was the lucky recipient of one of her beautiful paisley scarves for a Christmas gift. I seriously wear it every other day.

And best thing about these ladies is that they are all talented young Christian women. Isn't it amazing how we are blessed with different talents?! Please share some of your favorite bloggers and Etsy shops with me. I'm always looking for inspiration.

*Please note that these are my personal opinions and that opinions were not solicited by the individuals mentioned.


  1. Marissa - thanks for mentioning my Etsy shop, Desiring are so sweet! Looking forward to following your blog!

  2. I love reading Kate's blog. I always try the hair tutorials on my hair. I also read her sister Lauren's blog

    1. Me too! That's how I heard about the Valentine's Day Link Up/Exchange Party.
