
December 23, 2012

Advent Adornment

The Advent wreath has been a part of the Christmas tradition since the 15th century. Advent is a time of reflection and waiting. Here is the advent wreath that I had the honor of preparing for our church this year.

The wreath developed after I had a chance to view the Advent graphics that would be used at our church. I was impressed with the simple lines and colors that I saw and decided that often simple is best. So tried to mimic the graphic with materials that would be readily available locally.

I started with the traditional green wreath to represent eternal life. I added red grapes and grape vines remembering that Jesus referred to himself as "the vine" in John 15. The wheat element is actually an ornamental grass because I didn't have any wheat available and this grass had greater impact from a distance. Wheat of course is remembering that Jesus is "the bread of life" as noted in John 6. The black frame is actually a black serving tray covered with black scrapbook paper. I used crayons to create the chalk board look. The plate is supported on a picture easel that fits inside the wreath.

Today was the fourth Sunday of Advent so all of the candles have been lighted. They represent Hope, Preparation, Joy and Love. Tomorrow we will light a white candle to represent the birth of Jesus our Saviour.

"Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel." which means, "God is with us."


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