
May 26, 2012

Grilled Pineapple Redo

I have seen grilled pineapple on Pinterest many times and couldn't wait to try it. I excitedly cut my pineapple and brought up the recipe on Pinterest to find that I didn't have the right ingredients and the sauce recipe was for numerous slices of pineapple when I only wanted three.
So, in true Willerick style ...

Here is the recipe I ended up with:
1 TBSP- Agave Nectar Light
1/2 TSP- Extra Light Olive Oil
1/2 Packet- True Lime
2 Dashes- Cinnamon
A look at the ingredients I used.
  • Once you make the sauce set it off to the side and slice your pineapple. I found that 1/2 inch was the best thickness for me.
  • Next, get your grill fired up! Low flame is the best. It cooks your pineapple without burning it.
  • Brush the sauce on. (See picture below)Cook 3-5 inches on each side.
  • My favorite slices were the ones that started to get an opaque look to them.
  • As you flip them add more sauce.
  • Serve as a dessert or with a meat such as pork.
Raw pineapple with sauce on it.
The finished product

    May 20, 2012

    Floral Dress Re-Do

    My mother, sister, and I were all able to enjoy Mother's Day together, just the three of us, which hardly ever happens any more. We spent the whole day doing girly things, like shopping and crafting!

    While at Goodwill I found this dress with a vibrant floral print and great skirt detail. However, it was a little too busy and a little too roomy in the top for my taste.
    Dress before.

    Skirt detail.
    I saw a lot of potential in the bottom portion of the dress so I decided to buy it for a dress re-do. Once I got home I cut the top of the dress off above the waist band. (You should do this one layer at a time so not to cut into the waist band on the lower, unseen layer.) The waist band was flat in the front and elastic in the back, making it perfect for the dress I have in mind!
    Cut dress.
    I have seen so many cute dresses with black tops and bright floral bottoms that I decided to do the same with my re-do. I found an old black t-shirt in my closet and tried it on with the dress bottom. Once I had the faux skirt at my natural waiste I pinned the shirt to remember the finished location. I chalked this line to sew along. Then I measured one inch below and used my rotary cutter to make a straight cut.
    Measuring shirt.
    With right sides together I pinned the shirt chalk line to the edge of the faux skirt waist band and sewed the two together as close as possible to the waist band. You could also serge the two layers together at this point for a stronger, longer lasting product.
    Skirt and shirt pinned together.

    Sewing the two layers together.
    Ta-Da, the finished product! And the whole project only cost me $3.69 plus tax since I already owned the other supplies.

    Similar dress style, Forever 21.

    May 19, 2012

    Abby's T-Shirt Quilt

    I wanted to make my college roommate and best friend Abby a very special graduation present and thought of a t-shirt quilt since she played softball during college and had a BUNCH of softball themed t-shirts. Lets just say if Hanes was our endorsment we would say that her t-shirts were "woven memories." :)

    While surfing on Pinterest I found a blog with GREAT t-shirt quilt directions. Check out Cheap Chic Home's blog post for directions. Below are pictures from our project!
    Laying out the t-shirts.

    Sheryl cutting Pellon.


    Krista ironing Pellon onto t-shirt backs.

    Sewing quilt squares together.
    Our progress!
    Batting pinned to quilt top.

    Sewing backing on.

    Finished quilt!

    May 15, 2012

    Painting Posies

    I really like painting but haven't taken the time to paint much recently. Props to my neighbor and artist Heidi for inspiring me! I used acrylic and interior paints on this project.
    Finished project, hanging on my wall!

    May 9, 2012

    Marissa's Green Thumb

    Now that the weather in Michigan has been consistently above freezing at night for about two weeks I've enjoyed doing some gardening the last few days.

    Today I planted a few hostas that my mother gave me from her garden and, with the help of my husband, lined the front of the flower bed with small native stones.
    Front of our apartment.

    I planted the tulip bulbs below last fall and was very pleased to see such beautiful flowers with so little maintenance!
    Tulips on the back side of our apartment.

    And no flower bed would be complete without your favorite! Paul's favorite flowers are lily of the valley and today was the first time we saw our new lily of the valley blooms.
    On the back side of our apartment.